What we do!
At heel Stay Play, we….
- will teach you why your dog may need behavior modification and how to change that behavior.
- will teach you how to communicate with your dog on a level that he/she understands what is expected of them.
- will teach you how to recognize and control aggressiveness and why a dog exhibits aggression.
- will teach you how to control a strong/powerful dog.
- will help build confidence in a meek/timid dog.
- will teach you how your dog’s diet can affect their behavior.
- can help you learn about your rights and responsibilities as a dog owner in your town and in Oldham County.

our training is designed as “IN-HOME TRAINING” – CUSTOMIZE to your needs
In-home training has many benefits for both people and pets, including the ability to work around your busy schedule and train your dog in the environment they experience every day. We will take advantage of being able to train at your home and in your neighborhood, exposing your dog to the distractions they see regularly. This will help them break bad habits and address behavior concerns as you build a stronger relationship with your dog.

Choose how you want us to care for your dog!
Each of our packages strengthen your relationship with your dog and help your dog learn its role in the family, be more relaxed, and understand its responsibility when they have a task to complete.

Puppy 101 $500
For puppies 10 weeks to 5 months old. Designed to prevent unwanted behavior from becoming bad habits. This is a 4-week course that meets 1 hour each week in your home. Our course consists of teaching you about puppy communication, socialization, and nutrition, stopping unwanted puppy behavior, training your puppy to come when called, and how your behavior affects your puppy's behavior. At the end of this course, we expect your puppy to have increased socialization, improved crate training, and a proficiency in basic puppy commands and behavior. We expect you to have a more thorough understanding of the importance of positive motivation.
- Basic Obedience Training $750
For dogs 5 months or older. Designed to teach how to control the dog with basic commands, such as watch me/look at me, heel, sit, down, stay, come, place, and stand. This is a 6-week course that meets 1 hour each week in your home. With your daily practice, it is possible for your dog to perform some exercises off-leash by the conclusion of this class. In addition to learning basic commands, this class also deals with addressing problem behavior, such as jumping on people, pulling on the leash, and other unwanted behaviors. Your dog will also learn to manage distractions better and properly socialize with people and other dogs.
Behavior Modification Training $1000
For dogs that need more than basic obedience. A completely customized training designed to fit the needs of your dog. This is a 6-week course consisting of 1.5 hour weekly lessons, held both in your home and at local, dog-friendly places (e.g., Lowe's, Tractor Supply, Feeder Supply, neighborhood parks). Does your dog have aggression issues with people or other dogs? Do you struggle to take your dog on a walk without them barking or lunging at other dogs? Have you had to change your life to work around your dog’s aggression issues? With a commitment to consistent training, these common problems can be addressed, and both you and your dog will live happier lives.
Single Day 1 Hour Training $150
This 1 hour private training gives you and your dog the opportunity to address 1-2 specific behavioral need(s). By answering just a few questions in advance about the behaviors you want your dog to learn (or unlearn!), our professional trainers will tailor a session just for you.